To Be or not to Be? Is it a relevant question?

What would you like to Be when you grow up?

Many years ago, kids used to flirt with the idea of what they’ll BE when they’ll grow up.  To Be or (what) not to be, the mystery and the joy of having boundary-less imagination, trying to figure out who you are,  coming up with smart answers when asked “What would you like to BE when you grow up?”  kept me day dreaming and awake many nights throughout my childhood.

It seems to be so different now. It seems like the more relevant question kids are thinking, dreaming and asking  is “What would I like to HAVE when I grow up?”   Is “The more the merrier” life style is good and healthy for us?  Are we heading to having less by wanting and consuming more?  What does a world with less look like? look around.

Sadly, even an optimistic like myself, can vividly see a world with-less, a world with-out.  It is easier and effort-less to see the emptiness of the half glass, more than I’d like to admit.  
Daily I make an effort to see the glass half full, however when I look around I see Kids-less playgrounds, where iPADs replacing the swings, CD-less world, leading to musician-less communities, how can we expect musicians to make a living, when music is being shared and distributed for free? Book-less shelves are being replaced by Kindle etc.  

I can’t help but wonder, will the metaphor “Don’t Judge a Book by It’s Cover” would mean anything to future generations? will it be relevant? understood? or simply deleted from our digital text books?
Being an optimistic, choosing to see the glass half full, I hope I’m wrong.